1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
Physical |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 10 11 12 - 15 16 17 18 - 19 20 - 24 25 |
10th Kup Grading Syllabus |
Moving left leg into sitting stance (annun sogi) and extending left fist:- 10 single punches, counting. 10 push-ups, counting. (Senior males using forefists. juniors & female using palms) Taking right leg back to form gunnun junbi sogi (walking ready stance). Perform 10 front leg rising exercises, counting. First with right leg, then with left leg. Four-directional punching (Saju Jirugi), commencing with right walking stance, using low section outer forearm block & middle reverse punch (shouting on completion). (Don't forget to use TKD breathing) Moving forward in walking stance, performing middle section obverse punch (4 times) Moving backwards in walking stance, performing middle obverse punch, followed by middle section reverse punch, using knee spring on second technique (4 times) Moving forward in walking stance, performing middle section inner forearm outward block (4 times) Moving backwards in walking stance, performing middle section inner forearm outward block, followed by middle section reverse punch, using knee spring on second technique. Founder Of Taekwon-do - General Choi Hong Hi, 9th Dan. Worldwide Inauguration of Taekwon-do, was on 11th April, 1955. I.T.F. stands for International Taekwon-do Federation. Inaugural date of the I.T.F is the 22nd March, 1966. Taekwon-do means Art Of Hand & Foot. a) Tae -Foot b) Kwon -Hand c) Do -Art of Counting one to ten using terminology. 1 - Hana 6 - Yausut 2 - Dool 7 - Ilgope 3 - Set 8 - Yaudul 4 - Net 9 - Ahaul 5 - Tasut 10 - Yaul , 20 - Sumul 30 - Soran Meaning of the colour white - Innocence, a beginner who has no knowledge of Taekwon-do. Terminology for: a) Left - Wen b) Right - Orun c) Obverse - Baro d) Reverse - Bandae Tenet's of Taekwon-do a) Courtesy - Ye Ui b) Integrity - Yom Chi c) Perseverance - In Nae d) Self Control - Guk Gi e) Indomitable Spirit - Baekjul Boolgool Terminology for: a) Fore-fist - Ap Joomok b) Inner forearm - An Palmok c) Outer Forearm - Bakat Palmok Punching - Jirugi, should be one target, central to body, at shoulder height. Middle section punch aligns with shoulder level. 4 Directional punch - Saju Jirugi, is not a pattern. Blocking - Makgi: a) Middle section inner forearm block - Kaunde An Palmok Makgi blocking hand starts from outside of reaction arm b) Low sectiom outer forearm block - Najunde Bakat Palmok Makgi blocking hand starts from inside of reaction arm Stances - Sogi: a) Attention Stance- Charyot sogi (Heels together with toes apart & hands formed into fists by the side of body) b) Parallel Ready Stance - Narani Junbi sogi (1 shoulder width wide) c) Sitting stance- Annun sogi (11/2 shoulder widths wide) d) Walking stance- Gunnon sogi (1&1/2 shoulder widths long & 1 shoulder width wide, with weight distribution being 50% on each leg) 3 sections of the body: a) High - Nopunde (shoulder & up) b) Middle - Kaunde (shoulder to waist) c) Low - Najunde (waist & below) |
Theory |