Totally Tae Kwon Do

The Global Tae Kwon Do Magazine
keywords:totallytkd, totally, taekwondomag, magazine, times,  itf, wtf, tae, kwon, do, taekwon, taekwondo, Taekwon-Do, tae kwon do, tkd, Martial, Arts, Fitness , self. Defence, international, world, kukkiwon, federation, ukgt, ukitf, ustf, korean, korea,  academy, tkd power, rayners, uk,usa,  ct, tn, me, karate, kickboxing, kung, fu, judo, jujitsu, wtf, ukgt, ukta, uktf, impact, tagb, gtuk, imperial, gti, anslow,ukitf, bit, puma, gtuk, ustf
Product Reviews
Totally Tae Kwon Do magazine has reviewed many products relating to Tae Kwon Do, from books to training equipment. Reviews are sometimes written by readers, but mostly they are 'Honest John' reviews by the magazines select (and secret) group of reviewers, that give you a true opinion on the product, both the good and the bad! So if you are thinking of making a purchase, you might like to read a review about it first - so click the product to take you to the issue which holds the review.

You are on the 'Books' page, please click one of the links below to see what other items have been reviewed in the magazine.

Taekwon-Do - Origins of the Art
- Issue 79
Ch’ang Hon Taekwon-do
Hae Sul 2
- Issue 62
From Creation To Unification
- Issue 59
Taekwondo History
- Issue 53
Training And Optimal Health For Sports - Issue 51
Korean Karate: The Art of Tae Kwon Do - Issue 50, 51 & 53
Boxing Basics for Martial Arts
- Issue 50
Advancing In Tae Kwon Do
- Issue 49
Tae Kwon Do: The Korean Martial Art - Issue 48
This Is Taekwon-Do
- Issue 46
The Encyclopedia Of Taekwon-Do Patterns
- Issue 19
Stretch To The Max
- Issue 17
Effective Taekwon-Do Sparring
- Issue 14
Star TaeKwon-Do
- Issue 11
A Killing Art
- Issue 8
Tae Kwon Do: The Ultimate Reference Guide to the World’s Most popular Martial Art
- Issue 6
Tae Kwon Do: My Life and Philosophy
- Issue 5
Peace Comes To Ajani
- Issue 4
Ch’ang Hon Taekwon-do
Hae Sul
- Issue 3
Taekwondo & The Olympics
- Issue 3
The Taeguek Cipher
- Issue 2
The Korean Art of Tae Kwon do & Early History - Issue 17