Grading Results

Grading Results

11th & 13th December, 2023
Coloured Belt (Kup) Promotions are as follows:
Congratulations To All Students That Passed
To read what the different marks mean, please click here
The following students were promoted with an 'O+' level pass:
* Arrun Sahota to 4th Kup
* Gourav Mallampati to 4th Kup

The following students were promoted with an 'O' level pass:
* Kamila Zakaria to 4th Kup

* Adam Belhadj to 6th Kup
* Krish Saravanan to 6th Kup
* Aakeshan Alegenthiran to 6th Kup
* Arjun Umesh to 6th Kup

* Keith Kirubakaran to 7th Kup
* Areeb Mohamed Rameez to 7th Kup

* Moiz Mirza to 8th Kup
* Kirti Varsha to 8th Kup

* Reema Mistry to 9th Kup
* Sana Shah to 9th Kup

The following students were promoted with an 'L' level pass:
* Mylo Bakermans to 3rd Kup

* Aahana Alegenthiran to 6th Kup
* Emma Hoskin to 6th Kup
* Dhruvya Patel to 6th Kup

* Harishan Raveenthiran to 7th Kup

0 Fail / 3 Denied
This grading was performed in a formal manner, but during normal classes, so took place over two sessions in December 2023.