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HITNomination is an internet alternative to the awful and deadly NEKNominations craze. It was created by Drew Neal (a UK Martial Artists and Fitness Expert) as a positive, healthy opposite to the silly NEKNominations game. Many Taekwondoists have embraced and supported its positive message and have made their own HITNomination videos, which can be found on Facebook and YouTube etc.

The aim is to make a quick 1 minute High Intensity Training (HIT) video, filmed and psoted online within 24 hours, then to nominate others to do the same.

Rayners Lane Chief Instructor Stuart Anslow, was first nominated by UITF black belt, Calvin Thomas, did his video then nominated others (both students of Rayners Lane Taekwon-do Academy and others he knows) - these are some of the results.
Simon is the author of the Taegeuk Cipher Book and DVDS. His nominations were:  Ørjan Nilsen, Damian Adams, Gary Holmes and Jonathan De Lucas Llorente.
His nominations were: Colin Avis (Rayners Lane TKD), Suliman Majeed (Rayners Lane TKD) and his mate, Andrew Dickson.
His nominations were: Master Parm Rai from Toronto, Master Don Dalton of Ireland and Mr. Christian Oriolani of Spain.
His nominations were: Master Ray Gayle (PUMA-UK), Dave Harris (Rayners Lane TKD), Chris Reid (USA), Simon O'Neill (Spain), Elliott Walker (UK) & Gordon Slater (GTI-UK).
His nominations were: Avinash Bakshi (Rayners Lane TKD), Andy Smith (LTSI-UK) and Elaine Ogden (Australia)
His nominations were: Umar Marikar (Rayners Lane TKD), Yll Kelani (Rayners Lane TKD) and Ben Pethick (UITF-UK).
Avinash Bakshi - HITNomination
His nominations were: Richard Baker and Imran Zaman
Tim Kool - HITNomination
This wasn't one of our nominations, but is a video worth watching. Tim Kool is a Taekwon-Do instructor from Holland.
Rory de Vries - HITNomination
This was a nomination from Tim Kool and is another funny one (one of the better funny ones). Rory de Vries is a Taekwon-Do instructor from Holland.
His nomination was: Ayomide Odunaiya
Ayomide Odunaiya - HITNomination
His nomination was: Marek Handzel
Her nomination was: Lyndsey Reynolds
Her nomination was: Ben Pethick (IUTF England)
His nominations were Michael Munyon, Jeff Rosser, Dhiral Bagga & Derrick Britton.